Queens Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

A small group of organisations have met and discussed holding a community Event on Thursday 2nd June to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
We would like to hold a fete style event in the area of Church Street, the Parish Rooms, The British Legion and the Church Car park.
The plans are in early stages, if you or your organisation would be interested in providing some entertainment, running a competition or a stall please get in touch by emailing admin@marketdrayton.gov.uk or telephone 01630 653364.

Jubilee Program of Events

The Jubilee bank holiday weekend is going to be busy, with lots of different organisations holding events in the town.
The Town Council would like to produce a program of events so all residents can see what they can go along to.
If you are organizing an event, please send details to admin@marketdrayton.gov.uk