Received from Shropshire Council Highways :-

We would like to inform you of the proposed repair work which requires the temporary closure of Walkmill No 1 Bridge, which carries a ”C” classified road over the River Tern between Walkmill Bridge to Sutton Grange Junction.

The work will involve the repair and resetting of loose coping stones to the bridge parapets.

The work is proposed to start on 11th January 2022 and expected to take 3 days.

Due to the nature of the repair work a road closure will be required between the hours of 09.30am to 14.45pm. While the road is closed, traffic will be diverted via the A529 and local roads by a signed diversion. Please see attached link (

Access over the bridge for pedestrians and dismounted cyclists will remain available throughout the works and access to frontages will be maintained up to the bridge closure.

Unfortunately there will be some disruption during these works, for which we apologise in advance.