When I consulted on my Safer West Mercia plan last year, the public told me that they wanted their police to be visible and easy to access locally. My estates strategy sets out to help me achieve this.
The strategy aims to ensure that the budget I have allocated to funding for estates and property will give our communities the best and most dynamic policing services I can provide, now and in future years. This includes working collaboratively with partners, including councils, fire and health services, to create shared facilities, which offer long-term best value.
I am now inviting everyone in West Mercia to take a look at the proposals and share their views with me. It is important to me that everyone can have an opportunity to have a say in the way this strategy sets out to reshape policing property and infrastructure.
If there is anything in this strategy you want to bring to my attention, I am open to hearing your views, which you can share by completing the online survey at the link below, or sending an email back to me at opcc@westmercia.police.uk.
The Estate Strategy Consultation is open until 11 July 2022
Full and abridged versions of the Estate Strategy and the survey are all available together with a video introduction, here on my website.
Yours sincerely
PCC John Campion